Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Get in, boots and all!

Our Term 3 booking requests are rolling in from schools around the district. It's fantastic to see so many different schools keen to take part in our programmes.

Our lesson spaces are filling up quickly, so please contact us if you'd like to bring your class to Puke Ariki this term. Our 'Rucks, Boots and Bulls' lessons have been especially popular - Rugby World Cup Fever is growing!

Check out our current programme here or book online.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Website Resources

Did you know there are education resources and interactives available on the Puke Ariki website?

Visit the Education pages on the Puke Ariki website to learn more. Discover how you can use these resources in your classroom, or integrate these resources into your pre-visit or post-visit planning.

What resources would you like to see on our website? Leave us a comment.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What the...?

We love hearing from Taranaki schools, and we also love quirky questions that really make us think! Last Friday we had an email from Fitzroy School that had both these things in it - how could we go wrong?

A curious student from Room 3 had discovered a mysterious bone in a nearby river, and the rest of the class were perplexed at to what animal the bone belonged to. What's your guess?

Our enthusiastic Environmental Educator Nathan and the Taranaki Research Centre team deduced it was a pelvic bone belonging to a bird called a 'Shag'. Room 3 were happy to hear this and did further investigation about Shag birds and skeletons.

Thanks Room 3 at Fitzroy School - we look forward to your next tricky question!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Familiarise yourself...

We're offering an informal familiarisation tour of Puke Ariki for interested teachers on Tuesday 19 July at 2.00pm. This is a chance to learn more details about the programmes we're offering in Term 3 and 4 and to have a closer look around Puke Ariki.

Hang on a minute, I hear you squeal...that's the school holidays! Exactly! We've deliberately scheduled this during the holidays so teachers can plan their programmes to include a Puke Ariki visit in Term 3 & 4. (We'll be all done by 3pm - promise!).

Meet in the Noel & Melva Yarrow Education Room (formally the Learning Centre), just off the Museum foyer.

Want to know more? Keen to come if there's chocolate biscuits thrown in? Let us know - we'd love to see you!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tweet, tweet!

We're on Twitter...please follow us for breaking news updates, as they happen!


Stranger than...?

Our programme on the fantastically weird and wonderful exhibition Stranger than Fiction finishes next week with the end of Term 3. We've had brilliant feedback from kids, parents and teachers who have loved the opportunities for 'thinking outside the square' that the exhibition provides.

Recently a class of enthusiastic students visited from Manukorihi Intermediate in Waitara. These hats look good enough to be worn to a royal wedding...

Stranger than Fiction closes on Sunday 31 July - don't miss out on this quirky, interactive exhibition. Fun for the whole family...especially during those rainy school holidays!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hot off the press!

Here's our Educator Keri with our new Term 3 & 4 programme, hot off the press.

These little beauties are sitting in the Puke Ariki mailbag as we speak, waiting to go out to Taranaki primary and seconday schools in today's post. A copy of the programme will also go on the website as soon as possible.